Why OSHA Training Matters to Your Dental Practice

People customarily associate OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) with workplace rules at construction sites, chemical plants, and factories, however, OSHA compliance is also critically important for dental practices. In the event of an OSHA inspection, dentists must have a detailed and robust safety program in place. Ultimately,...

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Patient Satisfaction: What Your Dental Practice Needs to Know

As a dentist, you know that patient retention is key to having a successful dental practice. Surely, attracting new patients, purchasing another practice, or forming an association can serve to grow your dental practice. It all comes down to the patient experience, however, and a satisfied patient is one who will return -- and...

Patient Satisfaction: What Your Dental Practice Needs to Know Continue reading…

Dental Service Organizations

According to the American Dental Association, more than 16 percent of all new dentists ages 21-34 are affiliated with dental service organizations (DSOs). By contrast, only 7.4 percent of dentists overall are affiliated with DSOs. In any event, more and more dentists today are giving the DSO model serious consideration.

For many new dentists, excessive...
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Treating Dental Patients with Developmental Disabilities

People with disabilities customarily lack access to dental care because dentists may not have the equipment or skills to meet their special needs. Now, the American Dental Association (ADA) has revised its code of conduct to prohibit dentists from denying care to patients with physical, developmental, or intellectual disabilities. To ensure your practice is...
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Emerging Trends in Modern Dentistry

Today, technological advances are reshaping the dental care industry. From emotional dentistry to laser technology, new methods are improving treatment techniques and enhancing the patient experience. This article is a brief discussion of the emerging trends in modern dentistry.
What is emotional dentistry?Emotional dentistry encourages patients to directly participate in their treatment and
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