Why Cybersecurity Matters for Your Dental Practice

Technology has improved the efficiency of dental practices, particularly the use of cloud-based systems for billing, operations, patient data, storage, marketing, email, and more. But increased reliance on cloud solutions and connected devices opens the door to cyberattacks.

Given the current epidemic of ransomware attacks against businesses large and small, it...

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The Necessity of Dental Technology in the New Normal

As the nation recovers from the pandemic, technology will continue to shape the practice of dentistry. From user-friendly software and practice management programs to in-office technology and teledentistry, dental practices became increasingly reliant on technology during the pandemic and will continue to do so in the aftermath.

Given the costs...

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Dental Practice Transitions in the New Normal

The COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the dentistry landscape. While most practices continue to function as patients have returned, the future is uncertain: the SARS-coV-2 virus has proved everyone wrong time and time again. Nonetheless, many dentists are considering their options, including practice transitions. The best way to navigate the new normal is to consult...
Dental Practice Transitions in the New Normal Continue reading…

Most Dentists Anticipate Steady or Increased Reliance on Telehealth Going Forward

This blog previously covered the rise of teledentistry during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic (here). Now, a new study shows that 3 out of 4 dentists currently using telehealth anticipate an increased reliance on the technology in the so-called new normal, or until the promised vaccines and antiviral therapies come online. If...
Most Dentists Anticipate Steady or Increased Reliance on Telehealth Going Forward Continue reading…