Top 5 Things Your Dental Startup Needs in the New Normal

The contemporary dental landscape has been dramatically impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic as consolidation in the industry has forced many dental professionals to sell their practices to corporate consolidators. Long before the pandemic, the dental space was trending toward larger practices, due in part to the costs of technological advances. But there are still...
Top 5 Things Your Dental Startup Needs in the New Normal Continue reading…

Beware of the “Bundled” Loan and Mortgage If You’re Buying a Practice

Here's some information for those dentists who are looking to finance their practice acquisition. 


I was recently working with a dentist that was purchasing a practice and the accompanying real estate.  The practice was in a medical condominium complex with other dental and medical providers.  Originally, I was just asked to help the client clear...

Beware of the “Bundled” Loan and Mortgage If You’re Buying a Practice Continue reading…